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Welcome to FanAmp F1 Coffee Corner

Make sure to join the F1 Coffee Corner community for all the latest news, rumors, tech and anything else F1 related!

Welcome to FanAmp F1 Coffee Corner

We can’t tell you guys how excited we are to have Terry running his Coffee Corner community on FanAmp. This will be the absolute best place on the internet to discuss F1 news, rumors, tech, and the action itself.

What are you waiting for? Navigate your way over to the Coffee Corner now. See you all there!

Hey everyone, Aly from FanAmp here and we've got some massive news for all of you!

Introducing our newest FanAmp Base... F1 Coffee Corner!!!

F1 Coffee Corner is run by Terry Widdows, and to explain it best, this man is a LEGEND when it comes to covering F1. Terry has been watching F1 longer than most of you youngins have been alive, and the man has megamind knowledge about everything F1.

F1 Coffee Corner

The man is simply the GOAT of F1 TikTok, and shatters you rgossip site rumors on a daily basis. Terry knows the F1 rulebook better than the back of his hand, which is why when ol' David Croft and other journalists - us included - started spreading rumors about Red Bull passing down the RB-19 to AlphaTauri he shut it down with an absolute masterclass and stated the FACTS.

While we may have been duped, we now have the Coffee Corner in our back pocket, and we'll never be caught lacking again.

Not only is Terry a straight up motorsports genius, the man is Sherlock Holmes when it comes to finding all the dirt that we as fans go crazy for. Silly season was in full effect when Terry broke the news that a top Red Bull Aero Team leader moved to Mercedes as a Principal Aerodynamicist by sleuthing LinkedIn…LINKEDIN. Watch out all you sneaky ones in F1 (looking at you Toto), we now have the Santa Claus of motorsport, he knows when you are sleeping, and he damn sure knows when you are awake.

In all seriousness, we can’t tell you guys how excited we are to have Terry running his Coffee Corner community on FanAmp. This will be the absolute best place on the internet to discuss F1 news, rumors, tech, and the action itself.

If you’re looking to join his Base, look no further than Terry’s own tutorial. What are you waiting for? Navigate your way over to the Coffee Corner now. See you all there! 

@f1coffeecorner How to set up f1coffeecorner as one of your bases on @FanAmp so you get the news as soon as you open the app #f1coffeecorner #f1tiktok #F1 #formula1 #werf1 ♬ Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine

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