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- Keep reading to see how you stack up for the Sector
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Keep reading for the Sector 5 leaderboard, or click below for more:
- Season leaderboard
- Sector 1 (Bahrain through Azerbaijan)
- Sector 2 (Miami through Spain)
- Sector 3 (Canada through Hungary)
- Sector 4 (Belgium through Singapore)
- Sector 5 (Japan through Mexico)
Sector 6
CONGRATULATIONS to the Sector 6 winners: AnnouchkaTayou and astroboy21!!!
The sixth Sector ran from October 30 through November 26 and included three race weekends: Brazil, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi. Here's who won the Leaderboard and Giveaway prizes at the end. Looking for the overall winners from 2023? Look to the seasonal leaderboard.

Top 3:

Full Leaderboard:
Tip: View the page on your computer to quickly search for your rank.