Like any sporting event, points are crucial in Formula 1 for determining the standings and results. There are a few ways to obtain these points… So how are they earned in F1?
Before we get started - check out the full F1 2025 schedule and how the F1 weekend works prior to the Grand Prix! Don’t forget to make sure you know how a full length Formula 1 race works too!
How are points earned in Formula 1?
There are two ways drivers can earn points within Formula 1: in a Grand Prix and in a Sprint Race. The format is the same for both but the points vary depending on finishing position. There are higher scoring opportunities in a Grand Prix race as the top ten drivers secure points whereas only the top eight get awarded in a Sprint. The most points a driver can obtain in a Grand Prix is 26, and we’ll get into the breakdown of that shortly.
Grand Prix
This is the main way drivers will be able to collect points in Formula 1. The drivers who finish in the top ten of any Grand Prix are subject to securing points for their team with P1 being the highest scoring position and P10 being the lowest. The driver who finishes in P1 will be awarded 25 points for their team, with P2 securing 18 points and P3 getting 15 points. The rest of the points go down in increments of two with P4 getting 12 points, then 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 and lastly, P10 gets 1 point.

Fastest Lap
The fastest lap is an opportunity for the top ten finishing drivers to score an extra point. If the driver who finished the race in P1 also sets the fastest lap of the race, they will be awarded 26 points instead of 25. This goes for any of the drivers finishing in point scoring positions.
If a driver outside of the top ten scoring positions sets the fastest lap, they will not receive any points. This is when teams will use different strategies to ‘steal’ away the extra point from certain teams or drivers. It’s very common throughout the season that you’ll see drivers, outside of the top ten, pitting in the final laps of a race for the sole purpose of setting the fastest lap and making sure their rivals don’t receive any extra points.
Sprint Race
There are only six Sprint Races scheduled for the 2025 season but they are an excellent way for drivers and teams to score more points, contributing to their championship efforts. Similarly to a Grand Prix, only the top eight drivers will score points. The winner of a Sprint Race will score 8 points with P2 winning 7 points, and then it goes down to 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and the driver in eight place will receive 1 point. There is NO fastest lap point in a sprint race.

The MOST points a driver could secure during a Sprint Race weekend is 34 points. This is only possible if they win the Sprint Race, the Grand Prix and secure the fastest lap point.
The most amount of points a team could secure during a Sprint weekend is 59 points. This happens when their two drivers secure P1 and P2 in both the Sprint and the Grand Prix, with one of the drivers taking the fastest lap point as well.
If you’re curious about other aspects of Formula 1, check out our other How-To articles: